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Project Roadmap

  • Green—achieved milestones
  • Yellow—future milestones
Q1 2017. Data Acquisition
1. Research of available literature and paper maps
2. First conclusions on the area of interest
3. Collection of digital spatial data from open sources: topographic, thematic and historical maps; optical and SAR images; digital terrain models
4. Preliminary analysis of spatial data
Q2 2017. Geographic Information System
Assembling of vector and raster spatial data in a GIS, built on a PostGIS database cluster (backend) and QGIS (front-end); it enables remote work on the project for multiple users
Q3 2017. Spatial Data Analysis
1. Insights from already discovered Inca ruins
2. Terrain passability analysis
3. Settlement suitability analysis
4. Visual interpretation of optical and SAR imagery, mapping of the Inca road system and potential man-made structures
Q4 2017. Website
Development of as a way to report on the project and to communicate with the public
Q4 2018. Commercial Imagery Acquisition
1. Purchase of high-resolution multi-spectral optical and fully polarimetric SAR images, high-resolution DEM
2. Enhancement of previous results, based on more detailed satellite data
Q2 2019. Test expedition
Organisation of a land expedition, which will examine our possibilities, equipment and findings
Сoncluding Expedition
Organisation of the final land expedition to discover Paititi